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Empower Your Business with AI-Driven Digital Marketing

Transform Your Local Business With The Active Marketing Engine

Discover the revolutionary impact of the Active Marketing Engine, an advanced, AI-powered,highly integrated and forward-thinking digital marketing platform tailored to elevate local businesses. By simplifying complex digital strategies, it ensures your marketing efforts are both effective and efficient.


How can we help you?

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Website design

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Content marketing

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How can we help you?

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Website design

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Content marketing

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Overcoming Digital Dilemmas

The Challenges Local Businesses Face in Digital Marketing

Local businesses often grapple with the complexities of digital marketing, from selecting the right strategies to implementing them effectively. The digital world is fast-paced and ever-changing, posing a significant challenge for businesses that need to keep up with the latest trends and technologies. Without a comprehensive and integrated approach like the Active Marketing Engine, local businesses may find themselves struggling to achieve meaningful results, leading to wasted resources and missed opportunities.

Navigating Digital Marketing Challenges

Even though the complexity of choosing the right digital tools and tactics can be overwhelming, leading to scattered efforts and inconsistent outcomes, local business on no longer have a “static – set_it-&-forget-it” digital online marketing.

Say Goodbye “passive digital marketing” … say hello to “active and engaging” digital marketing strategies!

The Need for a Comprehensive Solution

To truly thrive in the digital arena, businesses require a holistic approach that integrates various marketing strategies into a cohesive system. This is where the need for a comprehensive solution like the Active Marketing Engine becomes evident. It’s designed to simplify the digital marketing process, allowing business owners to focus on growth while ensuring their marketing efforts are efficient and effective.

Empowering Local - Small Businesses with AI

The integration of AI in the Active Marketing Engine offers local businesses a cutting-edge advantage. AI enhances the ability to analyze data, automate processes, and personalize customer interactions, ensuring that each marketing effort is optimized for maximum impact. This AI-driven approach not only saves time but also significantly boosts the effectiveness of digital marketing campaigns.

Welcome To Active Marketers

We Are On A Mission To Level The Digital Marketing Playing Field and Empower Local Businesses To “WIN” In This Digitally Powered Economy.

OUR VISION: Digital Marketing (Done Right) Can Be The Great Equalizer

At Active Marketers, we firmly believe that, DONE RIGHT, digital marketing can be the great equalizer that can empower local businesses to compete on an EQUAL FOOTING for a top spot in the Google search results.

By adopting an ACTIVE & ENGAGING digital marketing approach, every local business, irrespective of its type, industry focus, or size, can have a digital presence as robust and dynamic as any large, highly funded, multi-national corporation.

OUR MISSION/GOAL: Level The Digital Marketing Playing Field

Our goal is to level the digital playing field by equipping local small business businesses with innovative strategies and AI-powered tools to build a 24/7, highly visible, active and engaging online presence to empower to not just survice, but thrive in today’s Digital Economy
Overview ... Who Is Active Marketers

At Active Marketers, we understand the challenges many Local Businesses are facing to implement a cohesive and effective Digital Marketing Strategy and Game Plan.

We’ve been the guiding compass for businesses navigating the vast online landscape and have consistently delivered results since 2013.

Our experienced team of strategists, designers, and developers are dedicated to assisting small & medium size businesses build an ACTIVE & ENGAGING Online Presence to not only get ahead of their competition but to ultimately DOMINATE their local markets.

View Powerful Testimonial and Case Study of The Active Marketing Engine In Action.

Case Study – Customer Testimonial – Success Stories

View How This Customer Achieved Unprecedented Results With Our Active Marketing Engine

Take Control of Your Online Presence – So You Can Achieve Results That Matter To Your Business.


If we can rank #1 and DOMINATE the market in New York City, we can rank #1 and DOMINATE the market in any city … especially … your City!

Company: The Relationship Suite

Group Practice – Relationship Therapy & Counseling. Our customer for 3+ years.

  • 230+ organic keywords ranked on pages #1 – 3 (for Website & Google Business Profile/Maps 3-pack)
  • 4.1K+ website visits from FREE organic SEO traffic
  • Rapidly growing practice (4 office locations in highly competitive New York City (Mahattan, Central Park West, Long Island and Chatan New Jersey)
  • The 4th office was added 07/2023 and 5th planned
  • We DOMINATE the highly competitive New York City market for mulitple keywords (for Google Business Profile, Website and geo-tagged Location Pages)
  • We outranks MAJOR competitors (such as: Psychology Today, ZocDoc and Yelp)

Select TABs To View Testimonial and Results

ACTIVE MARKETERS - Case Study Results - 01

ACTIVE MARKETERS - Case Study Results - 01

#1 ranking in a 25-mile grid for highly competitive keyword (relationship therepy NYC).

Dual #1 rankings for website (organics) and Google Business Profile (Google Maps 3-Pack).

ACTIVE MARKETERS - AI-Powered Active Marketing Engine

What Is The Active Marketing Engine™ ?

It’s Your Roadmap To Digital Marketing Dominance
Your Gateway to Simplified and Effective Digital Marketing

The Active Marketing Engine™ Isn’t Just A Tool … It’s A Game Changer For Local Businesses.

Say Goodbye To "Static, Piecemeal and Disjointed" Digital Marketing Initiatives

The Active Marketing Engine is an integrated Digital Marketing Framework that is designed to take the mystery and complexities out of Digital Marketing for local business owners.

Leverage Our Integrated Digital Marketing Framework

The Active Marketing Engine is your “Modern Digital Marketing Operating System”. It includes The 6 Essential Modules Local Businesses Need To Thrive In Today‘s Digitally-powered Economy.

Plug In Your Business – Build Your Online Brand – Turbocharge Your Digital Marketing – Grow Your Business – DOMINATE Your Local Market!

It’s A Symphony of 6 Core Modules




How Can The Active Marketing Engine™ Help Your Business Grow?


Maximize Your Business’s Digital Potential

with our innovative platform … THE ACTIVE MARKETING ENGINE

Leverage our AI-powered and forward-thinking Digital Marketing platform to transform the way you do business online.
Find, convert, and keep more customers with our proven growth marketing platform for local businesses.
We offer innovative solutions and technology along with unparalleled expertise to MAXIMIZE your business growth.

THE ACTIVE MARKETING ENGINE is a Symphony of 6 Core Modules

The Pieces To The Digital Marketing Puzzle:

Take the “guesswork” and “mystery” out of your Digital Marketing Strategies
You wouldn’t complete a puzzle with pieces from different boxes, so why try and scale your business with a set of disjointed digital marketing tools and strategies?

Leverage The Essential Digital Marketing Components You Need To Boost Your Marketing and Not Just Thrive (In Today’s Digitally Powered Economy) … But DOMINATE Your Market!

The Active Marketing Engine™ consists of six pivotal modules, each serves as a cornerstone in constructing your digital empire.

Each module is carefully selected, highly integrated and highly scalable. Together, they form an integrated marketing ecosystem designed to elevate your business’s online presence and drive tangible results.

We Will Create An Integrated and Cohesive “Digital Marketing Environment” Customized For Your Business To BOOST Your Online Presence, SUPERCHARGE Your Growth and DOMINATE Your Local Market.

Explore The Core Modules of The Active Marketing Engine

Discover the six pivotal components of our Active Marketing Engine, each designed to elevate your digital marketing strategy and ensure your business thrives in today’s competitive landscape.


You Cannot Predict Where or When Potential Customers Will Search Online For Your Products and Services.

Build a solid digital foundation with Module 1 to establish a highly optimized online presence, complete with key assets to effectively compete in the current digital landscape.

These assets will function as your digital storefront with various virtual doorways, encompassing your mobile-friendly website, Google Business Profile, social media profiles, local directory listings, and citations.

Proactively market across different channels to draw in, convert, and manage leads with the assistance of an AI-powered CRM, while cultivating a stellar online reputation to sway potential customers’ purchasing decisions.

Reviews are the modern “word-of-mouth” and before contactingyou, potential customers will actively research your business Online and make buying decisions based on the information they discover about your business.

MODULE 1: Solid Digital Foundation

Active Marketers - Digital Marketing Components for a 5-STAR Online Presence

Systemtically and Aggressively Expand Your Local Visibility & Geographical Reach

Module 2 aims to expand your digital reach by implementing targeted SEO strategies and enhancing your local search visibility to dominate ‘near me’ searches and beyond.

This will help you ensure that you have a SOLID Digital Footprint in your market and we will build an aggressive plan to DOMINATE it.

For example, what are the most important keywords for your business, and how strong are your competitors?

We will aggressively increase your local visibility, your rankings, and geographic reach, to expand your digital footprint and dominate local near-me searches across your service areas.

Additionally, you will be able to ACTIVELY promote your online presence via multiple channels so that you are found everywhere, including organic results, google business profiles, google maps, social media, video channels and paid advertising.

MODULE 2: Expansion

Active Marketing Engine - Module 01

Leverage AI-powered CRM and Marketing Automation To Innovate Lead Capture

Module 3 leverages, Marketing Automations, a modern CRM and AI-powered tools to automate the process of capturing leads, funneling them into a universal inbox for seamless interaction and for effective follow-up and conversion.

In Today’s Digitally Powered Economy “Speed To Lead” Is Essential To Winning More Customer!

Easily reach your customers wherever they are: social media, email, text, voicemail, chat.

Follow up with new leads in under 5 minutes with automatic messaging.

Engage your leads with nurture campaigns so you always stay top of mind.

MODULE 3: Integration

Active Marketing Engine - Module 02

ACTIVELY Engage To Convert and Retain MoreCustomers

Engage with your customers more effectively with automated, AI-driven communication tools that ensure quick responses and personalized interactions, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

ACTIVELY Nurture Prospects and Current Customers To Build Trust Generate More Sales.

High visibility and ACTIVE Engagement are the keys to online growth. Create multi-channel follow up and nuturing campaigns and automate engagement and follow ups.

“The Money Is In The Follow-up”.

Not all leads will be ready to make a purchase on the first, second or even third contact.
Leverage the Active Marketing Engine™ to connect with your leads and current customers through Phone Connect, SMS/MMS, Emails, Facebook Messenger, Voicemail Drops, etc.

MODULE 4: Engagement

Active Marketing Engine - Module 03

Don't Market In The Dark - Understand Your Numbers (Your Data)

Without a clear understanding of your data you will be shooting in the dark with respectto your overall online marketing performance.
Without knowing your numbers there isn’t anyway to know what your online success looks like.

Performance Tracking & AI-Driven Insights

This module provides advanced analytics and reporting tools that help you track the success of your marketing efforts, adjust strategies in real-time, and optimize your overall ROI.
Gain unparalleled insights with our AI technology that analyzes market trends and customer behavior to optimize your marketing strategies.

Comprehensive Analytics

Access detailed analytics to measure the effectiveness of your campaigns and make data-driven decisions to boost ROI.

MODULE 5: Optimization

Active Marketing Engine - Module 05

Implement Proactive Growth Strategies To Accelerate Expansion and Market DOMINATION!

Focus on scaling your business with continuous, dynamic marketing campaigns designed to not just compete but dominate your market, ensuring long-term growth and success.

Automated Campaigns

Streamline your marketing efforts with automated campaigns that ensure timely and relevant engagement with your audience.


Continuous improvement isn’t just a buzzword — it’s your new reality. Stay ahead of the curve with marketing strategies that evolve as swiftly as your business.

Module 6 focuses on expansion and growth, with continuous marketing campaigns that doesn’t just compete but accelerates growth and DOMINATES your local market!

For example, create a calendar of year-round ACTIVE marketing initiatives and campaigns. Leverage the power of the Active Marketing Engine™ to execute on auto-pilot!

MODULE 6: Acceleration

Active Marketing Engine - Module 06


Leverage The Active Marketing Engine

To Win At Each Stage of The “Modern Customer Journey”

In today’s digital economy your customer’s buying journey keeps evolving and these channels will impact that journey … YOU NEED TO WIN AT EACH STAGE!
Regardless of your industry or type of business, you cannot predict or control when or where your potential customers will search online for your products or services. Before contacting you or visiting your business, your potential customers will actively research and make buying decisions based on the information they discover online about your business, your products, and your services. And, your competition is only a click away.

Understand The Purchasing Path of Your Customers

It is imperative to understand the path-to-purchase your customers take as they make buying decisions. Your business needs to identify the way customers interact with your business, be acutely aware of every step; analyze how you can influence buying decision behavior, and, design your digital marketing strategy accordingly.

Active Marketers - Modern Customer Journey

Don’t “Market For Your Competition”

Today’s Consumers Are More Demanding

Today’s consumers are empowered, informed, and always connected. They seek instant gratification, real-time responses, and personalized experiences. In this dynamic environment, a passive approach to marketing is akin to sailing without a compass. Active Marketing, on the other hand, ensures you’re not just navigating the digital waters but mastering them.

Modern customer journey - marketing for the competition

There are 3 levels of our Active Marketing Engine.

We don’t believe in a one-size-fits-all approach to digital marketing. We will first take the time to gain a detailed understanding of your organization, your customers, and your competition, so that we can develop customized digital marketing solutions that are tailored to your individual business needs.

We will help you create a powerful and proven 24/7 ACTIVE Marketing Engine, that you can immediately start leveraging to DRAMATICALLY change the trajectory of your business’ growth.

LEVEL-01: Core

Build a SOLID Digital Marketing Foundation.

The CORE PACKAGE will help you build a SOLID FOUNDATION for your Digital Footprint.
(I.e., This package provides the CORE capabilities that every local business MUST have to compete and thive in today’s fast-paced digitally powered economy).

The primary goal at level one is to enable you to leverage proven marketing automation tools and systems to create a Marketing Operating System for your business.

Your new Marketing Operating System will allow you to run many of your essential marketing processes on autopilot and give you the freedom to enjoy the benefits of your business’s growth.

  • Website Upgrade
  • Website Hosting and Maintenance
  • Website Optimization (SEO)
    • Core Local and Organic SEO
    • 25 Core Keywords
  • Location Pages (Landing Pages)
    • 15 Core Location Pages
    • Tagged and Optimized
    • Core Optimization & Posting (2/mth)
  • CRM + Performance Metrics + Reporting
    • 500 Contacts/Customers
    • Conversations & Pipeline mgmt
  • Mobile App
    • Lead Capture & Respond
    • Reviews Capture & Respond
  • Webchat & AI BOT
    • Core Website Chat
  • Universal Inbox & Leads Management
    • Leads from: Website
  • Marketing Automations & Campaigns
    • Text& Email
    • Core Campaigns
  • Local Directories
    • 15 Directory Listings

BLOGGING: (2 per month)

LEVEL 1 - LeadGEN - 50 B2B leads

We will include 50 industry targeted leads plus the automationt to following and nurture these leads.



RECURING: $1500/mth

(12 Month subscription/commitment on all recurring charges)

LEVEL-02: Advanced

Accelerate Your Business Growth!

Leverage Advanced Tools and Strategies

At level two you will strategically buildout your digital real estate with more highly ranked online assets

that will give you broad keyword coverage for all of your products and services.

The primary goal of level two is to build and optimize your online footprint in order to outrank your competition for “near me” searches in the surrounding 5-10 miles of your service area

  • Website Build/Upgrade/New Website
    • 10 Pages (Core & Service Pages)
  • Website Hosting and Maintenance
  • Website Optimization (SEO)
    • Advanced Local and Organic SEO
    • 50 Core Keywords
  • Location Pages (Landing Pages)
    • 30 Core Location Pages
    • Tagged and Optimized
    • Advanced Optimization & Posting (4)
  • CRM + Performance Metrics + Reporting
    • 750 Contacts/Customers
    • Conversations & Pipeline mgmt
  • Mobile App
    • Lead Capture & Respond
    • Reviews Capture & Respond
  • Webchat & AI BOT
    • Advanced Website Chat (w/FAQ)
  • Universal Inbox & Leads Management
    • Leads from: Website & Google
  • Marketing Automations & Campaigns
    • Text & Email
    • Advanced Campaigns
    • Paid Ads (Google & Facebook (Ads Budget + Ads Budget from Customer)
  • Local Directories
    • 30 Directory Listings

BLOGGING (4 per month)

LEVEL 2 - LeadGEN - 150 B2B leads

We will include 150 industry targeted leads plus the automationt to following and nurture these leads.



RECURING: $2000/mth

(12 Month subscription/commitment on all recurring charges)

LEVEL-03: Market Domination

Aggressively DOMINATE Your Local Market!

At level three you will TURBOCHARGE your growth and empower you to DOMINATE your local market!

You will be able to aggressively expand your highly ranked digital real estate assets to increase market share dominance across your local area!

The primary goal of level three is to expand and optimize your digital footprint for “near me” searches in 25-30 mile raduis of your services area.

  • Website Build/Upgrade/New Website
    • 25 Pages (Core & Service Pages)
  • Website Hosting and Maintenance
  • Website Optimization (SEO)
    • Domination Local and Organic SEO
    • 100 Core Keywords
  • Location Pages (Landing Pages)
    • 100 Core Location Pages
    • Tagged and Optimized
    • Domination Optimization & Posting (8)
  • CRM + Performance Metrics + Reporting
    • 1500 Contacts/Customers
    • Conversations + Pipeline and Opportunities mgmt
  • Mobile App
    • Lead Capture & Respond
    • Reviews Capture & Respond
  • Webchat & AI BOT
    • Domination (full FAQ responses)
    • Automated Appointment Booking
  • Universal Inbox & Leads Management
    • Leads from: all sources
  • Marketing Automations & Campaigns
    • Text + Email & Voice Drop
    • Domination Campaigns
    • Paid Ads (Google & Social Media) +
    • Local Directories: 100 Directory Listings
  • BLOGGING (10 per month)
LEVEL 3 - LeadGEN - 350 B2B leads

We will include 350 industry targeted leads plus the automationt to following and nurture these leads.




(12 Month subscription/commitment on all recurring charges)

Discover the Power of Customized Digital Marketing!

Ready to transform your digital marketing strategy and see real results? Schedule your personalized demo and strategy session today, and let us show you how our innovative platform can elevate your business.

Partner With Active Marketers

Our Goal: Level The Digital Playing Field and Empower Local Businesses To Thrive In Today’s Digital Economy

Digital Marketing (Done Right) Can Be The Great Equalizer That Empowers Local Businesses To Compete On An Equal Footing In Today’s Online Economy!

Our goal is to level the digital playing field by equipping local small business businesses with innovative strategies and AI-powered tools for a 24/7, highly visible, active, and engaging online presence. 

Our Services

Active Marketers is a leading digital marketing and data analytics firm primarily catering to the underserved small local business sector. We offer a robust portfolio of Digital Marketing expertise, as well as, AI, Marketing Automation, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Online Presence Optimization, Data Analytics and ROI Performance Improvement. 

Our Mission & Vision

To provide small local businesses with cutting-edge digital marketing strategies and AI-powered solutions, empowering them to thrive in the digital age. We offer a comprehensive, flexible, and scalable digital marketing infrastructure that extends businesses’ reach, enhances brand visibility, and fuels growth, making us the premier choice for local businesses.

To revolutionize the local business landscape by positioning small local businesses as leading players in the digital economy. We envision a world where every local business, regardless of size, has the tools and strategies to compete and thrive in the ever-evolving digital marketplace.

Leverage Our Active Marketing Engine™

In a world where online VISIBILITY and ACTIVE engagement equals success, our flagship Active Marketing Engine provides the scalable and customizable platform for small businesses to excel in the digital age, ensuring you don’t just survive, but DOMINATE!

Focus On Doing What You Do Best ...

Focus On Doing What You Do Best … RUNNING YOUR BUSUNESS … Let Us Market Your Business.

Our Team of Seasoned Marketing Specialists and Strategic Partners Are Ready To Serve You.

With our Active Marketing Engine, we provide you with AI-powered marketing automation systems and proven digital strategies to not only build, but command a highly visible and engaging online presence.

Let’s make your business the number one choice for local customers.

Your business is unique and your digital strategy should be too.

At Active Marketers, we’re not just about buzzwords and cookie-cutter solutions.

  • We dive deep into your business, understanding your customers, and outsmarting your competition.
  • We design tailored, dynamic, and powerful digital marketing strategies that amplify your presence, engage your audience, and drive growth around the clock.


Empower Your Business with Active Marketing Engine

Why an Active Online Presence Matters

For small local businesses, establishing a robust online presence isn’t just beneficial; it’s essential. Our Active Marketing Engine for Local Businesses ensures your business is visible, engaging, and competitive in the digital marketplace.

The Power of Trust and Visibility

Trust is the cornerstone of customer relationships. Our strategies enhance your business’s credibility, ensuring it earns and maintains a 5-STAR rating for trusted, active engagement online.

24/7 Engagement

Gone are the days of passive marketing. Our Active Marketing Engine keeps your business in the conversation around the clock, adapting to the dynamic digital landscape and keeping you one step ahead.

Competitive Edge in a Digital Economy

Our flagship offering, the Active Marketing Engine, equips your business with cutting-edge tools and strategies to not just participate but lead in the digital economy.